‘The Lonely Passion of Kate Hudson: Filming and Falling in the Venetian Summertime’, David Lean Centenary Conference, University of London, July 2008.
‘Nowhere Else to Go: The death of the Travelogue’, British Culture and Society in the 1970s Conference, University of Portsmouth, July 2008 (invited).
‘Coronation Blues’, Social Fears and Moral Panics, IAMHIST international conference, University of Aberystwyth, July 2009 (invited).
‘A Family Film Business: The Adelphi Archives’, Archives and Auteurs international conference, University of Stirling, September 2009.
‘From English Rose to Italian Diva: the tragic, glamorous trajectory of Belinda Lee’ (with Sandra Frost), Desiring Divas conference, Downing College, University of Cambridge, September 2011.
Conferences organised:
International Conference: A Century of Cinema Exhibition at Phoenix Square, Leicester, in partnership with the Cinema Exhibitors’ Association and the Cinema Theatre Association, 10 and 11 July 2010.
International Conference: Romcom Actually: Romantic Comedy on Film and Television, Ð԰ɵç̨, 2-3 March, joint with the University of East Anglia.
International Conference: Bloodlines: British Horror Past and Present, Ð԰ɵç̨ and Phoenix Square, Leicester, 4 and 5 March 2010.
Symposia organised:
New Television History (7 papers, 40 delegates), at Ð԰ɵç̨ in association with the University of East Anglia and the University of Warwick, 10 September 2010.
Symposium: Associate Research Fellows’ Day. Presentations by six CATH Associate Research Fellows and by guest speaker, James Patterson (MACE Archive), 16 Feb 2011.
Symposium: Cine Sisters: Histories of women in the film and television industries (11 papers. 50 delegates), The Women’s Library, London, 17 July 2011.
Symposium: Associate Research Fellows’ Day. Presentations by four CATH Associate Research Fellows and by guest speakers, Dr Sharon Lockyer (Brunel) and Professor Stephen Gundle (Warwick), Ð԰ɵç̨, Feb 2012.
Symposium: Cuts and Categories: 100 Years of the BBFC, Ð԰ɵç̨, 21 March 2012.
Public Event: Ken Loach in Conversation, Ð԰ɵç̨, March 2010. Part of Cultural Exchanges.
Public Event: Honor Blackman in Conversation: Celebrating 50 Years of The Avengers, Ð԰ɵç̨, 2 March 2011. Part of Cultural Exchanges.
Public Event: An Evening with Carol Cleveland, The Cinema Museum, London, March 2012.
Public Event: An Evening with Vera Day, The Cinema Museum, London, April 2012.
Film Festival: 14th British Silent Film Festival, The Barbican, London, April 2011. Associate Producer.
Film Festival: 15th British Silent Film Festival, Arts Picturehouse, Cambridge, April 2012. Associate Producer.
Film Festival: Hammer Has Risen From the Grave, Phoenix Square, Leicester, July 2012. Director.